The RacerRunner running frame is a running bicycle frame without pedals. This bike are usually dissembled to be transported in order to save space. Although the various part can fit into the back of a car, a travel case might be needed if it needs to be taken onto a plane or public transport. A light weight travel case is especially important to minimize the amount of efforts in handling such a large case.
We designed the custom flight case to be sturdy with the high-quality P701 PP flight panel which is also 40% lighter than plywood panels. The case is reinforced with aluminum extrusions, corners and braces.
The case features recessed corner castors for easy of handling. It comes with 2 medium recessed handles on each side of the case for lifting purpose. An additional recessed handle closer to the lower edge will be used for picking up the case and pull it around.
A hinged lid design means opening and closing the case can be a one handed operation. The internal section is fitted with a custom cut out foam lining, which protects the RacerRunner bike from dent, breakage or scratch.