We are pleased to present a flypack case which is built to house MA2 Command Wing and Fader Wing. When used in combination, both MA2 Command Wing and Fader Wing enable the look and feel of the grandMA2 on PC software to be as close to a real grandMA2 console as possible. These are ideal for use by lighting designers on tour or for installation in theatres, clubs and event venues. The compact Fader Wing offers flexible playback options for the lighting console.
We have designed a road case which can be used to carry MA2 Command Wing as well as Fader Wing together with 2 touch screens. Both the consoles will be placed in separate sections which are made with strong plywood inserts. There are 2 pull out drawers to keep accessories such as keyboards, mouse and USB.
Split-lid case
After removing the top lid, the case has to be kept in a sleeping postion. The upper part has to be lifted up and set aside. The consoles will be placed in the bottom half of the case. There is a retractable hinged panel that can stack up the monitors at certain angles as per the user requirement. When not in use, these can be unfolded back to sit flat. The monitors and consoles stay safe inside the case during transit. It also eliminates the need to plug and unplug the consoles after every use. The case is a ready-to-work workstation.
Strong and Sturdy Case
The body of the case is made with P901 9MM Laminated Panels with glossy black honeycomb finish. The strong aluminium extrusions of the flypack case resolve the problem of safe transporting of the expensive equipment. 4 heavy duty carjet castors have been added to the case for smooth navigation. Medium recessed handles on each side of the case have been placed for easy movement on the road.
Our expert team will design and build a road case to carry MA2 Command Wing or a console of any make. Please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to help.