Privacy Policy

Armor recognises that it is vital to protect your privacy and personal information. We aim to ensure that all information we obtain during our business process is secure. The following statements outline the policy that Armor intends to follow to comply with the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles.

Definition of Personal Information

We recognise personal information as any type of data, written or digital, that serve as identifiers of an individual, entity or person. The term can apply to any personal information taken from affiliates of Armor such as employees, customers, past clients, suppliers, third party vendors and many others whose personal information we may/have acquire/d.

This policy dictates:

  1. Types of personal information we obtain
  2. Privacy practices regarding our website
  3. Uses of the personal information we collect
  4. Security of the personal information we collect
  5. Retrieval, correction and deletion of personal information we collect

This policy does not form any part of a contract. We may make changes to the content of this page adapting to current trends, laws, and practices. Please regularly check this page for the updated Privacy Policy from time to time.

1. Types of personal information we obtain

Armor asks for your personal information for smooth business transactions. The general information we gather pertain to contact information like your name, email, phone number, office address, and the like. We sometimes also request for your financial information to furnish contracts and purchase agreements.

2. Privacy practices regarding our website

Our website uses cookie technology to give you a more personalised browsing experience each time you visit our website. Cookies are pieces of information about your browsing activity while on our website that are saved into your hard disk. This is purely for record-keeping purposes and will not be exploited in any way. These pieces of information allow us to give you data that matches your previous interactions with our webpage.

If you do not want to get cookies saved on your computer, you can edit your browser’s settings. However, this may affect your experience with our website.

We collect information through several methods such as direct interview, digital correspondence, phone conversations, and the like. We can keep a strict list of our sources if you specify it as a requirement beforehand. If not, we will continue with our usual business process

3. Uses of the personal information we collect

Our main reason for obtaining your personal information is to ensure a seamless business transaction and provide you with the best services. Armor does not routinely disclose information obtained from anyone without their explicit consent. We may need to give your information to third party entities (i.e. sub-contractors, suppliers, government) when required but we will always ask confirmation from you first – if we do otherwise, it can only be due to the following reasons:

  1. It is required by law;
  2. Our terms of service needs to be enforced.
  3. We need to protect the personal safety and rights of the company, a client, or any member of the public.
  4. Management has changed and requires review of all assets.

Once you provide your information to Armor, we will provide you with the choice to receive communications from us about updates, special offers, promotions and the like. If you indicate that you do not wish to receive any, we will cease to contact you about such matters.

4. Security of the personal information we collect

We keep our records securely. All personal information obtained by us during business transactions are only for the purpose of maximising the efficiency of our operations. We may occasionally disclose information to third parties due to reasons stated in the third section above.

The distribution of our collected personal information are monitored very strictly and all third parties who receive such information are sworn to strict privacy guidelines to protect your data and prevent it from being used in unauthorised activities.

5. Retrieval, correction and deletion of personal information we collect

You have full access to the information we have of you. You can contact us through any of these channels.


Telephone: 02 9188 6801

Address: 45/7-9 Percy St Auburn NSW2144

You may request a copy of the personal information, request for correction or ask for deletion. This can be due to outdated information or addition of new details previously unrecorded. For deletion requests, we cannot guarantee that we can fully comply with your demand depending on the importance of the information we have to our own records and business process. Please take note that we require a maximum of 15 days to process any requests.

Complaints and Inquiries

If Armor is made aware of concerns regarding this privacy policy, we assure you that we will seriously deal with the situation. For further inquiries or suggestions, you can reach us through email at or phone call at 02 9188 6801.

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